Speed contact bar
Speed contact bar

Saved my time” in Reviews by ramarao on August 20, 2016 “the BEST customer service I have received in 2016!” in Support by chrissavid33 on December 31, 2016.“This plugin is the only one in the whole repository that really provides what I want.” in Support by stepheniryna on July 14, 2017.“Perfect 5 star plugin” in Reviews by maartensurf on December 13, 2017.“Speed Contact Bar is ideal when you want visitors to get in touch fast …” in 18 Plugins To Customize the Header And Footer Of Your Site by Claire Brotherton on April 30, 2018.“Speed Contact Bar là một bar plugin rất tốt cho mọi doanh nghiệp …” in 10 Plugin miễn phí tốt nhất cho Nhà Hàng năm 2018 by Duy Anh on May 18, 2018.“FANTASTIC Plugin!” in Reviews by maderemark on August 10, 2018.

Speed contact bar free#

Could be crucial.” in 10 Best Free Restaurant WordPress Plugins of 2019 by John Hughes on June 2, 2019 “Perfect! Just tried it and it works!” in Support Forum by immortalguru on Septemer 10, 2019.You want to test Speed Contact Bar before installing on your site? Try it out on your free dummy site and click here. The e-mail is clickable to open a mail client. The phone icons and numbers are clickable to trigger a phone call. The social media icons are included already.Įach icon appears if you set its target URL in the option page. The bar design is responsive and thus ready for smartphones and tablets. The plugin shows a colored bar with your contact data and social media URLs on the top of every page of your website. Speed Contact Bar enables your visitors to get in contact with you quickly.

speed contact bar

The plugin does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. You can add further translations with WPML.

speed contact bar

The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Russian (ру́сский), German (Deutsch) and Polish (Polski). Let your website visitors get in touch with you easily with permanent visible contact informations.

Speed contact bar